Shopify SEO Simplified
Take your Shopify business's SEO to the next level with Shopify SEO Simplified.
What does it take to do SEO well for your Shopify business?
In this private podcast series, Kai Davis (founder/CEO of Double Your Ecommerce) and Eric Davis (founder/CEO of Little Stream Software and founder of JSON-LD for SEO) — no relation — go deep on what it takes to do Shopify SEO simplified.
After all, why does SEO need to be overly complex?
At the end of the day, all Search Engine Optimization is about is making sure your pages have content and titles that match what your customers are searching for in Google.
Inside, you'll receive:
12 episodes of the Shopify SEO Simplified podcast (totaling ~3 hours of audio)
Transcripts for each of the 12 episodes
A resource guide, highlighting our 9 favorite SEO resources we talked about in this program
Wondering what topics are discussed? Here you go:
Episode 1: Introduction
Episode 2: Foundational SEO Concepts
Episode 3: Page content that your visitors see
Episode 4: Hidden SEO content
Episode 5: Internal links
Episode 6: Structured Data
Episode 7: Link Building
Episode 8: Shopify Apps
Episode 9: Non-app tools
Episode 10: Regular SEO hygiene
Episode 11: Hiring SEO out (and getting help with it)
Episode 12: Wrap Up